Friday 13 February 2015

Xenophobia in Africa

Application deadline: 20 February 2015
Language of instruction: English only. Applicants must be highly proficient in English.
The African Centre for Peace and Security Training (ACPST) is mandated to enhance the ability of practitioners to make and implement policies that improve human security in Africa primarily through short courses and workshops. The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) created the Centre in 2011 with support from the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.
The ISS is an African organisation which aims to enhance human security on the continent. It does independent and authoritative research, provides expert policy analysis and advice, and delivers practical training and technical assistance. The ISS has staff from 13 African countries working from offices in South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia and Senegal.
Course description: Xenophobia is becoming a prominent aspect of life in Africa. From Kenya to the Maghreb and across Southern Africa, discrimination against non-nationals, particularly fellow Africans, has been on the rise according to international media reports. Exclusion, based on the idea of being ‘non-native’ has existed in Africa since independence (and was codified during colonialism). Bounded ideas of citizenship have existed in Africa for two centuries, and contemporary xenophobia can be seen as one of the most recent manifestations of this feature.
The course seeks to examine xenophobia within the broader context of exclusion and identity. It will interrogate discrimination based on national identity in various parts of Africa, and explore questions such as: Why has xenophobia risen so sharply in recent years? What leads to xenophobic violence? How does the action of the state – for example, through the police and legal system – embed and formalise certain forms of xenophobia? Which processes make xenophobia ‘allowable’ in society? If the ‘foreigner’ is the outsider, who becomes the ‘insider’? In what times and spaces does xenophobia occur? What and how can we advocate and legislate to transform actions and behaviours towards a more inclusive society?
Course participants: State and non-state actors, including those from private, public and not-for-profit sectors working on how to combat xenophobia within the context of human security in Africa will be competitively selected. Practitioners advocating for minority rights and working on how to curb xenophobic expression, actions and policy are particularly encouraged to apply.
How to apply: Email by 20 February 2015, using the subject line ‘Xenophobia in Africa’, with these two attachments (MS Word or PDF formats only):
  1. A cover letter explaining how/why this course is relevant to your professional activities
  2. A complete CV with your contact information and contacts of two referees
Participants’ obligations: The receipt of a certificate is dependent on full attendance and active participation in the course. All participants must ensure that they sign the attendance register for each day of the course. Only names that appear on the register for the whole duration of the course will be eligible for certificate.
Funding: The ACPST will fund up to 25 participants from across Africa. The funds will cover:
  • Economy class return ticket from the participant’s closest international airport to the Harare International Airport including shuttle to and from the hotel
  • Accommodation on a ‘bed and breakfast’ basis
  • Local transport for Zimbabweans coming from outside Harare, to the hotel
Those who are not funded by ACPST but who wish to participate in the course will bear the full cost of their participation.
What ACPST covers (applicable to all participants)
  • Tuition: ACPST charges no tuition or registration fee for any of its courses
  • Meals: lunch will be provided to all on training days
What ACPST does not cover (applicable to all participants)
ACPST does not provide per diems to participants. All participants accepted for the course will be fully responsible for obtaining their visas and medical insurance. ACPST will support non-SADC participants with an acceptance letter to assist with obtaining a visa for entry to Zimbabwe.