Monday 11 May 2009

Liverpool city center

The Non-Aligned Movement’s pre-summit meetings in Havana
This week, senior officials and ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement member states have been holding preliminary meetings for the next Non-Aligned Summit, to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh later this year. The senior officials meeting began on Monday to consider the Draft Final Document negotiated in New York under the auspices of the NAM Coordinating Bureau. The revised draft document was then submitted to the Ministerial Meeting on Wednesday and Thursday. Major issues covered in the report include: promotion and preservation of multilateralism, peaceful settlement of disputes, the non-use or threat of force, reform of the United Nations, peace keeping operations, disarmament and international security, terrorism, democracy, North–South dialogue and international cooperation. The Government of Djibouti requested the insertion of two paragraphs regarding its border conflict with Eritrea, urging the withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Djiboutian territory and the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1862 (2009). Despite Eritrean objections, Djibouti ’s request was accepted. On Somalia , the Eritrean delegation also requested deletion of reference to “appreciation for the sacrifice made by Ethiopia and its commitment to the search for a lasting solution to the conflict in Somalia ”. The paragraph was retained. After considerable discussion, the meeting agreed that the reform of the United Nations Security Council should be addressed in a comprehensive, transparent and balanced manner, and that the enlargement of the Security Council, as a body primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, should lead to a more democratic, more representative, more accountable and more effective Security Council. Support was expressed for an increased and enhanced African representation on the Council, and the Ministers directed their Permanent Representatives in New York to continue to develop the Movement’s position and to present a comprehensive report to the XV Summit in Sharm el Sheikh.

The current global financial and economic crisis was well covered in the declaration and few amendments were made. Food, energy and environmental/climate change have also been given equal emphasis. The vulnerability of Africa to various global challenges was noted and the measures needed to be taken were stressed. NEPAD was called upon to play a key role in addressing the challenges of the continent and it was emphasized that the necessary support should be provided for the Partnership to effectively discharge its responsibilities. The meeting also welcomed the Addis Ababa Declaration on the International Financial Crisis adopted at the 12th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union Heads of State and Government on the 3rd of February 2009 in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia .

The Ministerial Meeting was opened by Raul Castro Ruz, President of the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba who spoke on current major global issues including the financial and economic crisis being faced by all Non-Aligned member states. He emphasized in particular that neo-liberalism had failed as an economic policy, and said any objective analysis today raised serious questions about the “goodness” of the market and its deregulation, alleged benefits of privatization and the reduction of the economic and redistribution capacity of the state, as well as the credibility of financial institutions. Speakers included Father Miguel d'Escoto Brockman, President of the 63rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly and many of the heads of delegation at the meeting. Over a hundred of the 118 member countries have attended this week. In his address, Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin emphasized that the Non-Aligned Movement today, was more, not less, relevant in a constantly changing World. He noted that the need for concrete steps to make the existing system of globalization more equitable meant the Movement had the responsibility to contribute even more than in the past. (A full version of Minister Seyoum’s Speech is on the Ministry website: